How to file a trademark in Ecuador?
These are the most frequently asked questions we have when wanting to register our trademark in Ecuador.
The trademark registration process is carried out before the Ecuadorian authority SENADI (National Service of Intellectual Rights).
It is recommended to conduct a phonetic search of precedents. Phonetic searches serve to verify if there are identical or similar marks in Ecuador to the one we intend to register, or if they are already registered previously.
Sign to be registered. If it is a logo, have it in JPEG format with a file size not exceeding 30 MB.
Complete information of the applicant (Names, identification number, phone number, address)
Create a user account on the SENADI online portal.
Complete the online application.
Proof of payment of the corresponding registration fee.
*Financial certificate for discount (optional).
*Power of attorney if the applicant is foreign or if the procedure is being carried out with the assistance of experts (recommended).
*Appointment granting legal representation for the presentation of the procedure in case of being a legal entity.
Seek advice from expert Intellectual Property lawyers (recommended).
Generate the online application on the SENADI Portal, with the necessary basic requirements in order to produce the payment receipt.
Pay the corresponding fee at Banco del Pacífico.
Initiate the trademark registration process on the SENADI portal.
Retrieve the title, if granted. This procedure may vary according to specific characteristics of each procedure to be handled by the National Service of Intellectual Rights - SENADI.
Fee $208.00 USD does not include VAT plus lawyers' fees if necessary.
Trademark protection lasts for 10 years and is indefinitely renewable. Renewal can be done between six months before and six months after the expiration date.
If you need more information or assistance for the registration of your trademark, do not hesitate to contact us at our email address